Only 2 weeks to go to handover and the house is almost there!
Despite temperatures outside the house soaring to 36 degrees today in Brisbane, the inside of the house, particularly the parts with concrete floors, were refreshingly cool. Higher rooms, warmed through the glass and natural thermal air movement, cooled down quickly once windows and louvres were opened to admit breezes.

The study has been happily taken over by foreman Jean-Yves - a place to enjoy river glimpses, the courtyard outlook and a view to the building team.

Bedroom cabinetry is almost complete and ceiling fans and lightshades are in. Desktops await a linoleum finish.

Bedrooms to the front of the house not only have fanlights over doorways but also high openings to release hot air and to offer sky views through the even higher glass louvres beyond.

Thermal sensors are one part of the Ecovision information gathering system. These are scattered around the house and feed information on temperature variations into the central computer to add to the information on water tank levels and use, gas and electricity consumption and energy generation.

Living Room

Gallery view towards front door

Kitchen - almost complete

Open stairs to allow breezes and light.

Ensuite is almost complete. The window to the east is a source of considerable heat gain (reflected off the galvanised roof just below the sill) so may be upgraded to more insulating timber louvres.

External venetians, adjustable in height and angle provide flexible shade to the River Terrace.